Monday, January 9, 2012

Planning Steps

In order to prepare for this trip, we started with when we wanted to leave. We decided on early spring so we wouldn't have to deal with winter snows, and chose March 1st. Yes, we still might run into some, but it shouldn't be as bad or as much. Plus, we needed the time to prepare.

At first we considered taking an RV, but that proved to be too costly. Have you looked at the price of gas lately? The Honda Civic is newer, and gets the best gas mileage so that was the obvious choice of car to take.  Since we like camping, we have everything we need, and it doesn't hurt the budget, we are going to be wearing out the tent, with occasional hotel stops. 

Next, we began to plan the route.  We wanted to make a huge circuitous path around the United States.  Knowing we would have to fit in the middle states, we began to look at the possibilities of how we would plan our route.  So we  finally decided on a basic plan of north, then across the northern route to the east coast, south, then west.  Several times we have gone east first, and we wanted to see something different to start off!

Over the next few months we researched the states.  We started a notebook of places to visit in each state, like national parks, state parks, major landmarks, factory tours, places to eat, and points of interest. We researched on the internet and several tour books.  We also added recipes, budget, and weather information to our notebook.

Once the notebook was complete with all the cities and sites, it was time to plot them on a map.   We got a United States map from AAA and marked them all. At times this was difficult because not all places were on this map!  We had to use google maps to find many small towns. 

Then it was time to draw in the route. This was the most frustrating part! Although we had decided on the basic route, there were points everywhere, and connecting the dots proved to be very difficult.  This was no easy dot to dot!  We tried to do it online at one point too, but that was just as eventful and frustrating.  Several mistakes and crossouts were made all along the route until at last we thought we had it. Once we revised it and finally decided on the best route without making too many silly circles around and backtracking, we finally had our route planned.  We got a new map from AAA and copied over the final version.  Yes!  We did it!  Our route is a zig zag through the United States, but we got everything in.

After planning where to go, we created a timeline of what needed to be done before our departure date. It has been exciting to cross things off as we reach each milestone!  It has also been a lifesaver in getting everything done! 

First, it was time to plan what to do with all our stuff, and what to take.  I decided to sell off the washer, dryer, and dishwasher, so I listed them on craigslist.  Eventually they sold! 

It was time to clean the garage!  We spent weekends cleaning, and disposing, and giving away junk!  It was chaos!  We decided to get a storage unit for everything we were leaving behind.  Our next target was our apartment.  Now everything is packed and ready to move into storage.

This month we renewed our Driver's Licenses.  Both of ours expire this year.  In order to not have to return to California twice, we decided to renew them early.  Of course, this means you have to take the written test again!  After studying for two weeks, we both passed!  Yay! 

We also have to have a California address for insurance and DMV purposes, so we got a UPS mailbox so we would have a street address.  They offer mail forwarding so we can get our mail when we are on the road. 

We got our National Parks Pass in the mail today!  Now we can visit many places run by the national government for free.

Only 51 days until departure!

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